Supplier Product Support Agreement (SPSA) on-line Help






1.         General information   2

1.1.       Introduction   2

1.2.       General  2

1.3.       SPSA Contents   2

1.4.       Labour and Material Indices: Changes only applicable to the Labour indices   2

1.5.       Correspondence   3

2.         Disclaimer   4

3.         Navigation   5

3.1.       Navigation by tabs / Help   5

3.2.       Result list navigation and export   5

4.         Search   7

4.1.       Multiple criteria: by Supplier / by Part Number / by Clause or Free Text   7

4.2.       Contract result (Supplier contract & Part Number download) 8

4.3.       Contract consultation   8

4.3.1.        Contract clauses / Useful downloads / Search by keywords   9

4.3.2.        Deviation highlight  9

4.4.       Part Number result   10

4.5.       Clause / Free text result   11

5.         Useful information   13

5.1.       Library: Standard contracts / Global Part Number / Policies and eLearning   13

5.2.       Delegation   13

5.3.       History   14

5.3.1.        Supplier history search & result  14

5.3.2.        Part Number history search & result / Detail  15



1.           General information

1.1.      Introduction

The Supplier Product Support Agreement application enables consulting of all individual Supplier's contractual support contracts. These contracts are negotiated between Airbus and each Supplier for the benefit of Airbus' customers, for maintaining their aircraft in service.

1.2.      General

Both the SSC and GCP are assigned to Airbus Customers or to any third party acquiring, hiring or leasing the aircraft, through clause 17 of the aircraft purchase agreement.


The SPSA is available on the Airbus World via the ‘On-Line Services’ or within the Material Management Community and is distributed by Airbus Technical Data & Documentations in accordance with the instructions contained in the Customer’s Aircraft Purchase Agreement (Exhibit G).


1.3.      SPSA Contents

The SPSA contains the integral text of the SSC and GCP Agreements, together with the Part Numbers and associated guaranteed values, extracted from the Appendix A.


Please note that Part-Numbers listed in Appendix A, are those existing at the time of the signature of the SSC & GCP. The associated Guaranteed values shall remain valid during Customers specific guarantee period, in order to follow the evolution of Components, and when available, new part numbers and new guarantee values will be included in Appendix A. In addition, as new SSCs are made available replacing GCP contracts these will also be integrated.


Engines manufacturers are not included in the SPSA.


1.4.      Labour and Material Indices: Changes only applicable to the Labour indices

Effective June 2003 the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics SIC data tables have been replaced by NAICS data. THIS AFFECTS ALL GCP450/650 and GCP2000 AGREEMENTS.


The four options that apply to our industry are:


National Employment, Hours and Earnings

Average Hourly Earnings of Production Workers *


Please note as of the 4th of May 2007, the CES program underwent some internal changes to processing that required the modification of data type codes for accessing CES data. The data type codes are the last two digits of the series ID codes that are used to extract ECS data from the online LABSTAT database. This update became effective with the April press release on May 4, 2007. The new data type codes are as follows:


Series ID codes:


CEU3133641108  Industry: AIRCRAFT




*From 2009: Average Hourly Earnings of Production and non supervisory Employees


The path for the web-site data is as follows:


Start with the home page (

In the “Subject Area” select “Employment”

Click "National Employment" in the scroll menu.


Scroll down on the page and select “CES databases”

In the box “Employment, Hours, and Earnings-National”

Click "one-screen data-search” and a search tool will open

Select “Average Hourly Earnings of Production and non supervisory employees” in box 1

Select “Manufacturing” in box 2

Select “not seasonally adjusted’” in box 4

Click "Get Data".


When the new window appears, you can choose the time period and thick in the box to include graphs.


1.5.      Correspondence


Correspondence concerning this publication should be directed to:



Customer Services

Supplier Support Management

1, Rond-Point Maurice Bellonte

31707 Blagnac Cedex France

Fax 33/562110156



2.           Disclaimer



  The disclaimer is your entry point into Supplier Product Support Agreement (SPSA) application.



3.           Navigation

3.1.      Navigation by tabs / Help

 Navigation by tabs:

·         Search features

o   Welcome: Basic information concerning the application with an access to the SPSA advanced search engine

o   Contract & PN: Multiple search criteria provide contracts and Part Number result lists

Search engine available on both Welcome and Contract&PN tabs.

·         Useful information

o   Library: Provides access to Standard contracts, NFF policies and SSC & GCP eLearning tools

o    Delegation: Enables to visualize all delegations the connected user has signed with an access to each of the signed delegation letters

o    History: Permits to consult all modifications (adding, update, deletion) performed on Supplier CAGE Codes and Part Numbers managed within the SPSA.


 Direct access to on-line help


 Advanced Search engine enables contract or Part Number search by Supplier, by Part Number, or by Clause / Free text


3.2.      Result list navigation and export




           Elements per page: allows you to define number of rows displayed per page (20 by default)

            *  provides access to next result page /   provides access to last result page

            *  provides access to previous result page /    provides  access to first result page

            allows to export the results of the search in an Excel file.


4.           Search

4.1.      Multiple criteria: by Supplier / by Part Number / by Clause or Free Text



·         Search by Supplier, 2 criteria are possible:


 Supplier Name in contract name or associated to CAGE Code

 Supplier CAGE Code.



·         Search by Part Number, 4 criteria are possible:


 Supplier Name in contract name or associated to CAGE Code

 Supplier CAGE Code

 Part Number

 Part Designation.


·         Search by Clause or Free Text, 4 criteria are possible:

 Supplier Name in contract name or associated to CAGE Code

 Supplier CAGE Code

Clause title (Clause / Exhibit / Appendix)

 Free text (full text search in clause content).



4.2.      Contract result (Supplier contract & Part Number download)


All information is profiled to connected user’s fleet.


 Search by Supplier, provides following information:

          Supplier Contract Name: includes the Supplier name

          Contract Type: Standard contract used as a reference for the Supplier contract

          CAGE Codes: covered by the contract

          Applicability: Contract applicability (i.e. A318; A320; A380)


Two files can be downloaded:

 Supplier contract: permits to download the contract (PDF file)

 Part Number list: Reflects the Appendix A for the connected user’s fleet




4.3.      Contract consultation

4.3.1.   Contract clauses / Useful downloads / Search by keywords



 Contract clauses, are listed in the contract Table Of Content. The clause content is displayed in Signed Clause detail zone.

 Downloads of useful documents linked to Supplier contract

 Search by keywords: permits a free text search (full text) in clauses content.




4.3.2.   Deviation highlight



Deviation highlight is illustrated as follows:

              icon allows to identify the deviated clause in Contract Table of Contents

           Xxx : the deviation is highlighted in Supplier Clause

           Any other supplier contract having same deviated clause can be consulted by clicking on clause title.



4.4.      Part Number result


All information is profiled to connected user’s fleet.


Search by Part Number, provides following information:

           Part Number / Designation: covered by Supplier contract

           CAGE Codes: included in Supplier contract

           ATA Chapter

           Guaranteed MTBUR / GMTBUR Comments

           Guaranteed DMC / GDMC Comments: Economical Conditions (E.C.)

           Avionics (A) / Non Avionics (NA): define the Guaranteed Shop Processing Time

            Supplier Contract Name: allows to consult the contract dynamically within SPSA

           Contract Type: Standard contract used as a reference for the Supplier contract

           A/C type Applicability: Part Number applicability (i.e. A320, A330)

Two files can be downloaded:

           Supplier contract: permits to consult the contract in PDF format

           Part Number list: allows download of Part Number list in Excel format. Reflects the Appendix A for the connected user’s fleet




4.5.      Clause / Free text result



All information is profiled to connected user’s fleet.


Search by Clause & free text, provides following information:

          Clause / Exhibit / Appendix: including the clause / free text. Clicking on a clause in result list allows contract consultation

          Supplier Contract Name: includes the Supplier name

          Contract Type: Standard contract used as a reference for the Supplier contract (i.e. SSC)

          CAGE Codes: covered by the contract

          Applicability: Contract applicability (i.e. A318; A320; A380)

Two files can be downloaded:

           Supplier contract: permits to consult the contract in PDF format

           Part Number list: allows download of Part Number list in Excel format. Reflects the Appendix A for the connected user’s fleet

5.           Useful information


5.1.      Library: Standard contracts / Global Part Number / Policies and eLearning


Library provides Standard contracts information, global Part Number list, access to NFF policies and SSC & GCP eLearning tools. All information is profiled to connected user’s fleet.


 Standard contracts,

 Part Number allows download of global Part Number list in Excel format

 NFF Policies

 SSC & GCP eLearning tools.



5.2.      Delegation

Delegation: Enables to visualize all delegations the connected user has signed with an access to each of the signed delegation letters. All information is profiled to connected user’s fleet.


 Delegation, provides following information per delegation:

           Customer: Customer ICAO Code

           Customer Nominee: Customer Nominee ICAO taking benefit of the delegation

           Supplier contract name: Supplier Contract Name having been delegated to the Customer Nominee

           CAGE Codes : included in contract

           From / To : Delegation letter validity period


 Consultation of Signed delegation letter.



5.3.      History


5.3.1.   Supplier history search & result

Supplier History: Permits to consult all modifications (adding, update, deletion) performed on Supplier CAGE Codes managed within the SPSA. All information is profiled to connected user’s fleet.


Supplier History list provides following information for selected period:

           Action: Added, Modified, Deleted

           Date: Action date

           New Supplier name & New Supplier CAGE Code of Supplier contract name,

           Old Supplier name & Old Supplier CAGE Code of Supplier contract name.




5.3.2.   Part Number history search & result / Detail




Part Number History: Permits to consult all modifications (adding, update, deletion) performed on Part Numbers managed within the SPSA. All information is profiled to connected user’s fleet.


Part Number list provides following information for selected period:

           Action: Added, Modified, Deleted

           Date: Action date

           Supplier contract name,

          New Part Number & Designation

          Old Part Number & Designation.


Part Number Detail provides all information of selected row in Part Number History result list.